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Monday, August 13, 2007
Ricky Martin sounding gayer than ever
Apparently, money means a thing
Jessica Biel to pose nude
“I haven’t decided exactly about the nudity. It’s a tough one. I am considering it but it’s a very scary thing to do. It definitely feels vulnerable to be naked in front of anybody let alone a film crew. And it’s scary because of the internet - you don’t know where it’s going to end up. It’s a moment that could be exploited.”
Also, as Egotastic pointed out, Jessica has already posed nude…at the age of 17. The above pic is from that Gear Magazine spread.
American Idol hopeful goes into labor during audition
At the auditions for American Idol 7 in Dallas, a woman went into labor while singing for producers during an early round.
According to the contestant, Antoria Gillon:
“I kept singing. One of the judges gave me her seat! I told her I had been there all day, and nothing was going to stop me from singing. I hadn’t been there all day for nothing!”
When she finally made it into the audition room, her right hand was shaking as she grasped her bulging belly but continued to belt out tunes.
“I gave it my all through the contractions. They were back to back and getting harder and harder but I was more than willing to have my baby right there,” Gillon said. “I wasn’t leaving without my golden ticket to the next round.”
Her decision to finish before going to the hospital paid off: Producers “gave me a golden ticket to the next round! It’s in September, so I’ll be ready to sing.
On a side note, she named her newborn Jamil Labarron Idol McCowan.
Jennifer Aniston, Britney Spears, Hilary Duff ► Star Reports
Will Jennifer Aniston ever find love? Her latest romance, with British model Paul Sculfor, is now over, leaving her brokenhearted – and without a man again. Star has learned exclusively from a close friend of Sculfor that the recovering cocaine addict dumped Jen, because he feared getting sucked into the drug – fueled world of Hollywood celebrity.
After three drug-free years, Sculfor found himself tempted again by the demons he’s battled, and he decided to turn his back on Hollywood – and Jen. “Paul genuinely cared for Jennifer,” a friend tells Star. “But everywhere he turned, he was haunted by the temptation of drugs.”
While Sculfor never intimated that Jen does drugs, the source says he believed they are common within her circle of acquaintances. And having none through an intensive, six-month rehab for cocaine, he was afraid of a relapse.
While Sculfor’s London rep denies that the pair broke up due to pressures on him, “Paul had several heart-to-heart talks with Jen and told her it was best for both of them if they parted,” says the friend. “It was Paul who decided to end it.”
Although pals say that Jen is reeling from the breakup, her predicament is nothing new – and losing ex-husband Brad Pitt, was the cruelest blow.
“I think Jen feels that no man in her life can ever match Brad, and it’s causing all of her relationships to fail,” says a source.
Another insider notes that Jen is constantly talking with her therapist and girlfriends about Brad!
“She can’t move on,” says the source. “She knows she screwed up by not starting a family with him. She kicks herself every day.”
That’s a big source of pain for Jen, say insiders. “The closer she gets to the big 4-0, the more she fears she may have missed out,” says another source. “She believes that if she doesn’t have a baby in the next year or so, it might be too late for her to conceive.”
Meanwhile, Jen’s career doesn’t seem to be faring much better than her disastrous love life. “Jennifer is doing a lot of smaller movies because Hollywood doesn’t see her as a major leading lady,” says an insider.
“She can’t open a movie on her name alone.” Jen’s next project is Management, in which she playa down-on –her-luck salesperson, opposite Steve Zahn. Ironically she’s also considering doing a film based on the best-selling self-help book He’s Just Not That Into You, which is scheduled to start filming in September.
Jen’s not too sure where to go from here, says an insider, “It may be time for her to make a move to New York,” the source suggests. “A change would do her good – and who knows, she may just find Mr. Right!”
Could Brad still be in the picture? Pals point out that she’s still close to her former mother-in-law, Jane Pitt – and Brad and Angelina are having problems. A source reveals, “Jen and Jane still speak often, and Brad’s family is still there for her!”
Brit’s Shocking Charge: Mom Slept with Kevin!
The battle between Britney Spears and her mother, Lynne, is getting more heated by the minute – fueled by what sources claim is Brit’s shocking new accusation that her mom slept with her ex-husband Kevin Federline!
“In a fit of rage, Britney accused her mom of sleeping with Kevin!” a friend tells Star. “Britney doesn’t know up from down right now. She’s so confused and angry, she told Lynne that she was so backstabbing, that she was probably sleeping with Kevin just to hurt her feelings. Lynne, on the other hand, is deeply hurt that her own daughter would so viciously accuse her of doing something so terrible.”
The bitter feud between Britney and her mom, Lynne Spears has been raging for a while. Sources say the singer blames her mother for talking her into entering rehab last February, and the war between them has been getting nastier ever since.
As Star reported, tempers flared on the weekend of June 15, when Lynne made an unscheduled visit to Brit’s mansion. The pair got into a heated argument that sources say turned into a slapfest! “They were swinging at each other,” says an insider.
Days later, Britney confronted 52-year-old Lynne with legal papers warning her to stay away from her grandsons, say sources. And now sources say that in a fit of anger Brit accused her mother of the ultimate betrayal – sleeping with her 29-ear-old ex!
Lynne’s the first to acknowledge that she’s friends with Kevin and goes to his house to see the kids,” says another insider. “But Lynne would never cross that line with him and has zero desire to do so. She goes there because Britney won’t speak to her or let her visit her grand children. She’s given Lynne no other choice.”
Britney and Kevin have just signed a divorce agreement that give them fifty-fifty custody of their sons. But Brit’s out-of-control behavior – from shaving her head in public to threatening photographers in Las Vegas – has been increasingly erratic. And as Star reported last week, insiders say Kevin is “dead set” on getting full custody.
The stress is just adding to Brit’s already fragile state, sources say. “She can’t seem to cope with anything,” the insider reveals. “She cries and says she feels like everyone is against her. I think she’s extremely paranoid. She buys puppies, because they fulfill some desperate need insider her, but the thrill is short-lived, so she goes back and gets another one. She goes out drinking and clubbing because it anesthetizes her and dulls the pain of fighting with her mom and divorcing Kevin. She can’t see it, but the partying is making it worse. Even though Britney’s friends and family aren’t getting along with her right now, they’re really concerned. One day she’s laughing and bouncing with energy and the next day she’s in despair and in tears.”
And friends believe her outrageous allegation about her mother and Kevin is just more proof that Britney isn’t well. “Her apparent paranoia about her mother and Kevin seems to be a product of her current mental state,” the insider says. “All that Lynne and Kevin hope for right now is that Britney will start seeing a therapist to get to the root of her issues, instead of wildly blaming others for her insecurities.”
Hilary Duff’s Stands By Her Man
Hilary Duff’s new boyfriend, Canadian pro hockey player Mike Comrie, is at the center of a false and ugly rumor that’s been circulation for years – but Hilary is standing tall by her man.
Duff first went public with Comrie during a July 25 dinner date at the Georgio Baldi restaurant in Santa Monica. Afterward, a number of celebrity and sports Web sites were bombarded with hundreds of comments referencing a rumor that began making the rounds after Comrie was traded from his hometown Edmonton Oilers in 2003; namely, that he was banished from the Oilers after sleeping with the wife of one of his teammates!
“Thanks for having sex with your [teammate’s] wife, Mike – you ruined the Oilers there for awhile,” read one pot to TMZ.com. Another post to Celebrity-gossip.net claimed, “I have heard from a very good source about him sleeping with [his teammate’s] wife. Hilary is so much better than him!”
But Duff is unfazed by the vicious gossip, says a friend of the couple – and with good reason. Multiple sources tell Star the rumor is absolutely untrue! “In Edmonton, hockey is the only game in town; it’s the lifeblood of the city,” says the friend.
“And Mike was the hometown hero Golden Boy during the three seasons he was with the Oilers. But by the summer of 2003, it got so bad he couldn’t go out for a loaf of bread at the store without politely listening to a 20-minute story from every fan on the street. Mike will always love Edmonton, but the attention just became overwhelming. So when he asked to be traded from the team that summer, and was sent to the Philadelphia Flyers, the Edmonton fans felt an intense sense of betrayal, and the venom directed at Mike reached a ridiculous level. That’s when someone started that disgraceful and hurtful rumor – and it just took on a life of its own.”
“But Hilary sees it for the garbage it is, and she’s letting it roll right off her back!”
An Edmonton hockey source adds, “The rumor was the type of thing that probably got started by some drunks in a bar! There was never a shred of evidence to support this story – and no one ever stepped forward to back it up.” And Mike Comrie’s agent, Ritch Winter, tells Star: “Having been close to Mike, as well as the teammate’s wife in question and her husband, whom I also represent, I assure you that the atrocious rumors about her and Mike are completely false.”
Comrie now makes his home in Los Angeles – where Duff lives – during the off-season. The duo first met on July 21 when they were introduced at the Tamarack Resort in Tamarack, Idaho. And when Mike joined her recently in Calgary and Edmonton during her Canadian tour, it was clear that their young relationship was going strong – and unaffected by the Internet trash talk.
“Is Mike a choirboy? No one is,” says the friend of the couple. “But anyone who knows him and his wonderful family – including Hilary – understands that he’s too great of a character guy to have been involved in anything like that. At the end of the day, Hilary and Mike are two young people anyone would be proud to have as their own children. They’re both incredibly grounded – and that’s why they have the markings of a terrific couple.”
And although she says she knows nothing about hockey, Hilary coyly admits, “Maybe I’m going to have to learn!”
Lauren vs. Spencer: It’s War!
It’s the feud that never seems to end. And now the war of words between “The Hills” hottie Lauren Conrad and Spencer Pratt, the fiancé and manager of her cast mate and ex-BFF Heidi Montag has reached the boiling point – just in time for that start of Season Three on August 13.
Fans of MTV’s smash reality series know lovely Lauren, 21, has long held Spencer, 23, responsible fro breaking her close friendship with Heidi, 20, and has always considered him an untrustworthy playboy. In a recent interview, Conrad spoke candidly about how it feels when “a friend stabs you in the back. I think the feud is beyond Spencer. At this point, Heidi has just done too much to me and I don’t need a friend like that.”
Now Spencer has fired back with both barrels! In a rambling – and sometimes sleazy – August 5th posting on his personal Web site, Spencerpratt.com, he pulls no punches.
“I hate even talking about LC but she continues to talk about Heidi and I in all her interviews…so until she shuts her ugly mouth…I am going to continue to tell the world the truth about LC!” raves Pratt. “This is a WARNING to LC…she is starting a WAR that she doesn’t want!”
Spencer also takes aim at Lauren’s job as an intern at the L.A. office of Teen Vogue magazine, adding: “LC is a pathetic wannabe fashion designer who can’t even dress herself and look good!”
Pratt saves his most blistering words for the reported sex tap of Conrad and her ex-boyfriend, Jason Wahler, which Lauren has always denied existed – and which some feel Pratt leaked out to the press! Using derogatory slang for Conrad’s private parts, he writes: “IT’S SAD that she destroyed the SEX TAPE that DID EXIST…because those [privates] would have made her real FAMOUS! SO STOP TALKING ABOUT HEIDI AND MYSELF…YOU DO NOT WANT HEIDI AND I TO TAKE A PUBLIC LIE DETECTOR TEST ABOUT ALL THE THINGS WE KNOW ABOUT YOU AND YOUR [privates]!” Spencer later told Star, “Lauren has to just stop talking and shut up! This has gotten ridiculous! I’m sick of her hurting Heidi.”
If Pratt was hoping to goad Conrad into another fire-fight, he may be disappointed. “Lauren feels completely ambushed by Spencer, but even in the face of his tasteless rant, she’ll try and take the high road,” a friend tells Star, “She may speak out against it, but she won’t get down in the mud to his level. Lauren wants to expose Spencer and Heidi for the fame-hungry rats they are – but distancing herself from them could be the best thing for her!”
Kate Hudson’s New Man
What’s the best way for singles to meet? Through friends and family! And Star has learned exclusively, that’s exactly how Kate Hudson met her latest squeeze, funny-man Dax Shepard, 32, who’s best known for playing a goofball on Ashton Kutcher’s MTV show “Punk’d.” So who was the matchmaker? Actor Kurt Russell, Kate’s mom Goldie Hawn’s longtime love.
Kurt, who’s a father to Kate, had been worried about her since she divorced Robinson and pulled the plug on her relationship with Wilson. “Kurt promised Kate it would get better, that happiness was around the corner. It looks like he was right,” a source tells Star.
“Kate is delighted! It’s summer love at its best, and she’s thrilled to be with someone who is making her heart beat faster,” adds the source.
Kurt first met Shepard a few months ago and instantly thought he’d be a terrific match for Kate, the source tells Star. “Kurt took a liking to Dax because he’s a good ol’ boy from the Midwest who Kurt thinks is trustworthy and reliable,” says the source. On top of that Dax, like Kurt, is a sports fan and loves playing baseball.
Kurt introduced Dax to Kate at a barbecue dinner near Zurna Beach in late June; just one month after Kate dumped Owen. “Kate and Dax bonded immediately because Dax made her laugh,” says the source. And now that Kate has cast Dax in a short film she’s making the Glamour magazine’s Reel Moments series, the relationship heated up! “Kate like his energy, and he brought a lot of enthusiasm and fresh ideas,” says the source. “Let’s just say Dax is the opposite of Owen. He’s down to earth and sincere. He’s a keeper.”
Karina to Mario Lopez: No Ring, No Baby!
Mario Lopez has been bitten by the baby bug! Mario is dying to become a father and is hoping that his girlfriend of nearly one year pro dancer Karina Smirnoff, 29, will make him a family man.
“Mario is crazy about kids,” says the friend. “He has the best time playing with his nieces and nephews and would love more than anything to raise some children of his own.”
There’s just one problem: Karina, who fell for Mario when the two danced together in the hit ABC reality show “Dancing with the Stars,” won’t make time for changing diapers unless he becomes Mrs. Lopez!
“Karina is wild about Mario and would love nothing more than to start a family with him, but she also firmly believes that it’s important to be married before she gets pregnant,” adds their friend. “She’s not going to give in on this.”
Continues the friend, “unfortunately for Mario, once Karina has set her mind to something, she doesn’t budge.” Karina will have to stand firm – and maybe for some time! Mario is “scared of commitment,” says their friend. “He is completely wild about Karina, but the thought of settling down for good puts him in a state of panic.”
Those feeling may have been what doomed his first marriage to former Miss USA Ali Landry, 34!
Mario and Ali wed in April 2004 after the two met while hosting the Miss Teen USA pageant in 1998. But two weeks later, she filed for divorce! Rumors that Mario had cheated on her at his bachelor party and during their honeymoon surfaced soon afterwards! The couple’s divorce came through in December 2004.
Since then, Mario has acquired quite a reputation as a ladies’ man. He may even have been fooling around on Karina! On May19 Mario was spotted canoodling with a mystery blonde at the blackjack table of Harrah’s New Orleans hotel and casino – six days after snuggling with Karina at a San Diego hotel pool!
Sill his reputation does have its uses. After squiring BFF Eva Longoria around during her brief split from beau Tony Parker, Eva scored a marriage proposal. The two were wed in a posh Parisian wedding on July 7. It was the wedding, however, that may have given Karina the motivation to hold out for a ring. “Karina saw how Eva got her fairy-tale wedding, and she doesn’t want anything else less for herself,” says their friend.
Backing her up: Eva! Eva, who has been Mario’s friend since the two were struggling actors, “wants Mario to settle down. She thinks he finally found his Ms. Right and need s to realize it before he ruins the relationship.”