But the constant wearing such clothes can be dangerous to health. A prominent gynecologist from Los Angeles doctor Lisa Masterson has long studied the safety of wearing trusikov-string permanent. Recently, Dr. Masterson published unexpected results of their work. What has been clarified?
Lisa Masterson, based on the results of its studies, said that many ladies koketlivye favorite G-string with constant wearing can be a real threat to the health of the female.
What's going on?
First, these pants koketlivye contribute to the development of vaginal yeast infections, as well as infections of the urinary tract. Usually such underwear made from synthetic fabrics, such as nylon. It is known that these materials hold moisture, a warm wet environment is ideal for the life of dangerous bacteria.
In addition, the G-string help incurred infection can spread rapidly. In the words of Dr. Masterson, bacteria from the rectum have every chance of falling into the vagina quickly, "using" polosochku tour as a vehicle.
Secondly, the excessive infatuation such lingerie leads to a disturbance, as well as gaps and even Hemorrhoid. Skroeny pants so that their rear detail can traumatize the skin and rub fondness. If this happens repeatedly, the problems can not be avoided.
Furthermore, the sad statistics show that wearing ends sharply increases the risk of injury when padeniyah genitals or road accidents.
What do you do?
Lisa Masterson counsels women to wear String-Underware as less often. And when wearing this clothing is to observe the following rules:
1. Not wearing String-Underware in hot and humid conditions.
2. Pick underwear from natural fabrics, such as cotton or silk. These materials are well off and miss impede the greenhouse effect.
3. Always trim pants size. Loose adjacent G-string is not as dangerous in terms of spread of infection, as a close and narrow.
4. Not wearing G-string the whole day. As soon as possible, change them at a closed model.
5. If you are wearing synthetic pants, and the laying of daily use do not forget to change them regularly.
6. Try not to wear bikinis with trusikami-string.
What is that?
Bikini is the most common and convenient model underwear. This pants with a low waistline, to the best cut on the thigh.
Boxers were initially-male underwear model, but now they are changed and the ladies. Similar to slim shorts, often with a low waistline. Very convenient and practical lingerie, but only if approached by wearing free clothes.
Kyulot-normal pants without deep notches.
Fedya - cowards who are part roll longer than armhole. A particularly convenient during the cold season.
Sign-pants with ascertain the lateral part. Depending on the breadth of its models are mini, Midi and Maxi.