The firm belief of my friend, "the more we sleep, are so beautiful."
It will be noted that the lady izrekshaya so insightful truth is quite remarkable : a very big blonde, born with different-sized eyes, one of which has decimated and, moreover, very kartavyaschaya. In the meantime, however, her self-esteem is at the white, nature-very controversial, and the lack of "fans" have never been, nor is there today. Hearing is so simple secret of beauty, I do not stop short of sarcastic comments like : "So why are you this beautiful!" At that any reaction, but an expression of deep satisfaction of the girl was not followed.
How surprised I was when I was using the topic of sleep, found that there is not much and not right was my friend. However, with one major reservation-it is not how much we sleep, and how and when. A few delve into the subject and try to identify the main secrets of beauty "sleeping beauty".
Secret 1:
Never have before bedtime!
In addition, recent receptions of food very definitely affect our piece, late dinner to work all night to our stomach, which sometimes also need a break. If you prispichilo meal-do so no later than 2 hours before sleep, and eat only light foods (vegetables, fruits, dairy products).
Secret 2:
Fall preferably no later than 22-23 hours
For good night sleep enough 5-6 h. On biological rhythms, the most appropriate time to sleep from 23 pm to 5 am. In any case, you have to grab sleep time from 2 a.m. to 4:00 am. At that time, we sleep more deeply and productively. " This afternoon sleep is not recommended. It is not advised to sleep before setting sun.
Strangely enough, sleep eaten depends on the day : Eat less, the less sleep. By the way, very little sleep fast-no more than 4-6 hours a day. Make conclusions!
Secret 3:
Little need to head north (or east).
In any case, both said our ancestors on the grounds that magnetic lines of the Earth.
The forebears of the same Chinese in his amusing teaching Feng Shui recommend to everyone to find their own way to the benefit of sleep, while trying not to bed directly opposite the front door, not abusing mirrors in the bedroom.
Secret 4:
Better sleep on a firm, flat surface.
As it may be tragic for modern princess "at the" pea is much more useful to sleep on a hard mattress. At perinah soft body inevitably windscreens, and this is a violation of blood spinal cord and the various bodies that are trapped. Moreover, it leads to a reduction in the nerve endings, which could adversely affect any part of the body. It's those who have injuries to the spine, and doctors recommend patients back to sleep on a hard bed.
Moreover, the less your pillow, the better. Poor location of the head while sleeping maintain normal cervical spine division, improves cerebral blood circulation, helps normalize vnutricherepnogo pressure, and even prevents wrinkles on the face and neck.
Secret 5:
Little preferably naked.
This is not only a very sexually, but also excellent operating on our skin, allowing it to fully breathing during sleep. If you fail, better nakryvaytes additional blankets.
Secret 6
Most helpful to sleep on his stomach.
The most beneficial position during sleep by side, automatically perevorachivayas several times during the night. But you can sleep on my back.
Secret 7
Your bed should be warm and the air in the bedroom, cool!
Never ignore ventilation bedroom at night and remember that your bedding should be fresh, warm and always beautiful. Preferred - natural cotton and flax. It is important to the color of clothes and walls in the bedroom : red to insomnia, and the blue and green shades reassuring. In recent years, there is evidence to suggest that dark colours clothes to a better quality of sleep.
Secret 8:
Finishing on the front-man!
In fact, our dream is divided into cycles, each of which consists of a phase "and" fast "slow" sleep varying depths. Usually cycles lasted 60 to 90 minutes, with a healthy cycle less. For a complete rest is sleep their biotsikla 4. But normally sleep and biotsiklov 6. It is important not to interrupt sleep during biotsikla! If you wake up in the middle of one of the intervals, he will feel defeated. So better not to stand for alarm, and "internal clock". If you do create alarm, you should allocate time in a way that a dream had a number of cycles.
Secret 9:
Not zalezhivaytes in bed!
As soon as you wake up (and this may be the early morning hours), you should smile, potyanutsya reset blanket and rise. And we tend to look at the clock and gonna observing that it was too early again lie. But the benefits of such a tube is questionable. Try to get blood and you notice how many positive emotions and good cases added to your day. Gymnastics, quiet water procedure, care for themselves, to prepare a full and healthy breakfast. Perhaps, you will hotetsya sleep, but remember that this is not true needs, but habit organism. Then it will be.
Secret 10:
Rasslablyaytes before bedtime!
Truism, but it has many positive emotions and excellent adjusts to rest :
* warm bath with the addition of aromatics,
* glass of warm milk or tea with honey and mint and balm,
* dreams and thoughts on something pleasant,
* short walk before bedtime
* relaxation massage,
* lengthy and gentle sex.
Well, it is believed that in dreams we have for almost half his life. So you can certainly still nasovetovat mass "no value". But this makes sense only if all described already respected us.
However, in the leisure and pleasure (one of which is certainly sweet dream) negozhe rape your body and I proposed to carry out the recommendations at any cost. Try to do this with pleasure and you will notice as improve your mood, zablestyat eyes light up and creature smile. But smile, and is essential for our beauty and flawless way to charm muzheskogo sex.