Wednesday, August 22, 2007


The very fact noticing, you fill every spare minute useless classes or plan that is still to be done. And then zhalueshsya of chronic fatigue.

When was the last time you took the full doing nothing? Nothing comes up? Before bedtime you watch TV, on her way to work, reading a book, and prepare lunch, along talking on the phone. This used to live lives of millions of women : because the work requires the skill to several cases simultaneously. The problem is that this does not stop the frenzied non-stop even on weekends, and early in the week you are feeling tired.

Are you accustomed to rush to work, tardy visits, and the rush to overtake bystanders. Living in a hurry is the habit : you attempt to take any free moment. On the way, listen to music, while cleaning-see film, and even when standing in line, hand running to the phone or rack with useless promotional pamphlets. Not everything knocking the head and hands unnecessary stupidity. Better oglyanis around! Prismotris to others vyglyani window and ponablyuday for a life of, polyubuysya nature. In the rush you do not notice much, and the only reference, can another look at the world and modern energy.

Not necessarily even to sit Buddha-meditate at any time, just sitting in a chair. Raspolozhis back, otbros all thought, Strain and feel every muscle of his body checked. Then Sit. Again and again napryagis-Sit. Repeat this exercise several times. Life in a modern rhythm requires sometimes forget about everything and listen to his body.

During hesitate
Usually on weekends planned many cases : Delete the apartment to meet with friends, read a book, go out shopping, travel outside the city. Already in the middle of the week you start thinking about what should be done in output. And plans are obtained on the Napoleonic truth. In attempting to climb all, you can not really relax and rest. Pereklyuchis to just one : get over the city safe on the green grass, poplavay in Lake and otklyuchis all thoughts about life and work. Sometimes, to relax, to just do nothing. Nothing.

Find the profession
Many girls are not passive recreation. Free evening of Friday, and even more so if not taken anything two days rest, it seems something terribly boring. Rather than trying to TV, zaymis something pleasant : Catalogues music that you liked during the first novel, print new posters and ukras their walls, try to cook new dishes. Or call girl, prigotov dairy drinks and pizhama-party devices. Do only those who do not want to deal with. Once you feel that fed idle-start seek "their" ways of leisure time. By trial and error.

Let it out, "Do you know how to relax or entirely forgotten, as it is to deliver a favorite pleasure. Here is a simple test of

1. Without a mobile phone you :
A) without hands! Do not leave it at any minute.
B) it is included in the mode of vibration, so that I can sometimes miss a call.
B) for the weekend and it could turn off : All cases await.

2. Your favorite sport :
A) banged on the keys on the computer.
B) I have a subscription to Sports Club to different classes.
B) swimming. It relaxes.

3. With prefer - or smoked barbecue?
A) long-ate nor to any other
B) with barbecue devils less
B) and a tasty, and more!

4. When you were last seen with the girl child?
A) Yes, and not confuse them left.
B) frequently communicate by "ICQ", sometimes peresekaemsya.
B) just last Friday!

5. Who comes first home-you or your favorite?
A) he usually has at home when I leave from work.
B) all depends on the work load.
B) we love intersect after work in time to walk together.

Most answers "A"
You have long forgotten that such entertainment. The main route of your life, "home working at home." And this one poorly run! Start small : from time to time, do our exercises to relax, a couple of times a week zvoni girl and at least once a week gotov favorite male dinner. Believe soon you enter in the taste!

Most of the responses "B"
It seems you are very hard not to be routine. That is commendable. Place of the same lines and severe stress and depression you are not terrible. But do not forget that life is surprisingly varied and pleasant surprises nahodi new ways to take a rest.

Most of the responses "B"
Do not know how you are successful, but you really live in harmony with itself! Once determined that no "trinkets" is not replaced by thee joy and rest, you made the right choice. It seems that you know how to draw the line between personal time and work. Shared secrets