It is now the height of summer. We sun, and my skin is beautiful brownish tint. Many people are ready for any means, just a nice touch to the skin "and" not oblezal game as long as possible. But how to do it? As no harm, and even with the benefit of the skin to keep it as suntanned? Of course, not forever maintain a tan possible, but there are several ways to extend its existence.
First, I must say that the tan depends on the human physiology of the skin identity. Some people tan fading faster than others, even if they tan in the same place. How long will suntanned skin, also depends on where and how tan was acquired. For example, the "south" tan faster off than tan, which was acquired in the middle lane. Our skin, unaccustomed to the hot sunshine south, trying to recover more quickly and intensely stimulating "burned" cells.
Leather tanning, after obezvozhena and vysushena sun, it needs moisture. It should be a day after the shower or bath to use active skin means. Usually, their names used the word "super" or "ultra". Means "after tanning" to resolve two tasks - uvlazhnit leather tanning and cement. The best effect can be achieved if these alternate means : day-hydrating cream, a day after tanning facilities.
From bath and sauna better abstain. The effects of steam and heat from the body displayed a large amount of moisture, then cleaned, and very tan pales. But Bath, in contrast, is very useful. If not otshelushit top layer of skin, the tan will look uneven. You can add sea salt bath or various vegetable oils.
If you want to keep a tan, you should refrain from various bleaches. These properties have milk, cucumber, lemon, etc. Under their influence, not only tan fade, but can be uneven. Some cosmetics and masks for those substances contain bleach. Be careful and read what was written on the package.
But there are a few popular recipes that will save tan. For example, if a scene and wash skin poorly welded tea. Tea helps to stay brown skin, and moisturizes the skin tightening pores. As scrap can be used coffee midst. Just razmazhte midst of skin and wait 15 minutes, then wipe person wet wool. Coffee is thicker and can be used as scrap for the entire body. It not only saves a tan, but also helps get rid of cellulite. A very coffee too wash and Mehndi skin.
Brown tinted skin helps keep masks from eating tomatoes with two spoons of fresh cream, tea spoons of oil and dining spoons of milk. Sprinkle the mixture for 15-20 minutes. After that features mask and rinse with warm water, cold water person.
Faster recovery and help maintain tan skin vitamin A. Vitamin A is found in products such as milk, egg yolk, apricots, spinach, carrots, beef liver, butter, tomatoes. Please note that vitamin A is absorbed with fat, such as carrots are better with cheese or oil. Tan also help preserve leaf lettuce, red and yellow vegetables and fruits.
Maintain your natural tan can use various creams avtozagara. There are creams that give the skin a natural natural suntanned look and restores skin after sunbathing. Finally, the most effective way of tanning is a solarium. Maybe it is, if there are no medical contraindications. A procedure for a week or 14 days is enough to tan remained long.