But perhaps, in order to understand the depth of this tragedy, it makes sense to return to the past, when the mascot Norma Jean comprehend the first lessons of life. And they were more than harsh : poverty, hysterical mother, stepfather rape when the girl was only eight years have passed, the feeling of loneliness and sadness.
And who knows how to be a future Merlin Monroe, if nature is not awarded her beautiful body, surprising skin and nice frightened, which is coupled with the angel charm lure seductresses. Thus, early marriage, divorce and quickly ended invitation to work online and models, such was young Merlin Monroe. The first sentence in vain film came in 1947, when the novice actress appeared in the episode film "Dangerous years." Then came a few small roles in films, "Skudda- U! Skudda- Hey! "(1947)," Ladies of the Corps "(1949)," Thunderball "(1950) and others Horoshenkaya young actress like the public and critics. Especially it was familiar to us in the game film "All About Eve" in which a small episode Merlin Monroe (by that time she had already chosen a nickname) has been able to convey a range of feelings and emotions that snedayut little ambitious building its Hero-Miss Coswell, novice actress, a star Dreaming and brezguyuschuyu for anything.
But directors Merlin Monroe primarily be beautiful, sexy woman, and none of its priglashavshih removed did not see and did not want to see a actress. This explains repertoire tapes herself. For the film can be seen even on their names : "love nest" (1951), "Let pozhenimsya" (1951), "We are not married (1952)," You can enter without a rattle "(1952)," Gentlemen prefer Blondes " (1953), "How to Marry a Millionaire" (1953) and others Merlin is a star, her photos in the evening toilets and no "differences of millions of copies, and the pages of the press constantly smakuyutsya minute details of her personal life. When, in 1956, it is known that regular husband M. M (so it now risotto spectators and journalists) became famous American writer and playwright Arthur Miller, actress hype surrounding reached its climax ...
Again, all attempts to change its Merlin visual image of failure. She attends classes in the theatre E. Kazan and Lee Strasberga - this is Long, in his personal interviews of a wish to remain in serious picture and ... received an invitation to participate in regular melodrama, comedy, where it still has a role tempting Beauty and the empty-headed ( "No more business than show business", 1954; "Seven years after the wedding, in 1955; Prince and the girl " , 1957). While many actors and directors, including the famous Lawrence Olivier (MM partner on the film "The Prince and the girl") notes its unquestioned talent dramatic actress, nothing changed in the life of Merlin Monroe. For viewers, it still Dushechka Hero of the famous film "Some love pogoryachee, 1959 (in our rental," Some Like It Hot ") - a nice, cheerful horoshenkaya solistochka Dame band, Dreaming to Marry a Millionaire, but is being happiness in my same beggar, but charm musician. Perhaps only once managed Merlin beyond normal equally-it was in her last screen work, which is very symbolic title of "The Misfits" (1961).
Alas, at a time when "born" actress Merlin Monroe, a woman who bears that name, left to live a little bit ... Persistent thoughts of the approaching old age, divorce from Arthur Miller (1961), dissatisfaction with the actress had naturally led to depression and a way out of it, abuse of alcohol, drugs and sleeping pills. And yet ... although a formal conclusion, "suicide" is not denied by anyone, and to this day the death of Merlin Monroe appease and causes a lot of guesswork. And homicide for political reasons (most recently in the press a lot written on the dark novel Merlin with Senator Robert Kennedy) also has the right to exist. The only man from close M., who was an actress in the latter path, her second husband was the famous athlete Joe Di Maggio.
And after the death of Merlin continued to attract attention. And in America, and Europe was published many books and articles, which sought to understand the phenomenon M., and the screens produced several films on its creativity : "Merlin" (1963), "Goodbye Norma Jean." (1976), "Merlin : untold story" (1980), "Last Days Merlin Monroe" (1985), "Merlin Monroe : Behind the legend" (1987). Each, in different ways, these tapes wanted to enter the soul of a woman who went from life neponyatoy ... The fact that after more than thirty years that have passed since her death, lingering memory of it proves that in the history of world cinema M. M phenomenon was much more than just a beautiful blonde and sexual.