Galitoz-sustainable unpleasant smell mouth. The difficult smell mouth or galitoz relatively common disorder of the oral cavity. There has been a large number of studies to identify the approximate figure of the disease, but the exact number has not been indicated. The data indicate that about half of the world's population suffers galitozom.
In most cases, in order to breath was fresh, you do not need to make great efforts to provide a galitozu nothing to do with genetic factors and heredity. The difficult smell mouth can be caused by smoking, so if you decide to light sigaretku, Prepare plan to eliminate the ugly smell. It is no secret that the bad smell of mouth could make relations with other people, a serious problem, both for a successful business, and for privacy. Studies have shown that most people form a view about a new acquaintance based on the first impression and then it is unlikely to change. Do not let the unpleasant smell from mouth to destroy your personal life and career.
These recommendations help you avoid galitoza.
The electric tooth brush
Start each day with the chief sanitary procedures teeth-cleaning electric brush. Recommended buy elektroschetku with rechargeable battery, which does not need batteries. Believe, eletkroschetka can make cleaning teeth is fun.
Did you know that teeth should be cleaned at least two minutes? At first glance, the short, but almost no one cleans teeth entire two minutes. Elektroschetok advantage is that they are equipped with automatic timers that after two minutes after the start of the issue beep.
Dental thread (Flauss) and brush to clean language
Try to regularly use these tools received stock "torture" to remove the unpleasant smell of mouth. Brushes with the raid to remove language can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy. This is a very effective tool, one means by which you can not do without it.
Dental thread helps remove mezhzubnogo space leftover food to feed bacteria. Do you want supplies bacteria?
Roth at the castle!
Even if you have the gift of eloquence and wit, sometimes useful from time to time to keep his mouth at the castle. Oral cavity to be wet. Saliva helps clean the mouth, because contains a natural antibacterial.
If you say, are in a dry mouth-attention, lawyers, teachers and politicians. Aedificators mouth affects the body's natural protective mechanisms and the ability to maintain fresh breath. Try more poloskat mouth, or even a language of mouth is also helping in the time to get rid of odours.
Chewing gum
Perhaps ironically Roald Dahl would have ridiculed the idea of eliminating odours through why, but correctly selected bubblegum very useful for teeth, and for the oral cavity as a whole. In addition, a fresh breath.
For example, sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva from that cause skin mechanical movement. For example, rubber Trident White contain Recaldent, providing teeth minerals. Remember that the gum is milk-based, it is not recommended for people allergic to dairy products.
Why containing ksilitol also help prevent tooth decay. In addition, the chewing gum has a pleasant refreshing flavor, such as cinnamon and mint flavor.
Toothbrush Oral B
Eager advertising man many of us believe that the Oral-B for some obscure device, but it really just a convenient tooth brush to help keep the oral cavity.
If you want to save fresh breath, refrain from red wine, coffee, meat and garlic. All of these products are galitoz. On the other hand, carrots allegedly helped refresh breath. Who would have thought?
Fresh breath easier to understand
While unpleasant smell mouth is not the most global and intractable problem, it still delivers some inconvenience. We all had the talk with the person suffering from galitoza and suffer few minutes after the interview. So sure breath of freshness in advance! Twice daily cleaning teeth for two minutes, use J.-F. and brush to remove the raid with language and zhuyte pressure rubber-and surrounding will thank you for it.